lunes, 4 de enero de 2016


“We’re never afraid to change, in the comic books, Jarvis is an elderly butler. In the movies, he’s an A.I. system which becomes Paul Bettany’s Vision. We are always looking for ways to change. 

I think if you look at some of the early incarnations of the Ancient One in the comics, they are what we would consider today to be quite, sort of, stereotypical. They don’t hold up to what would work today."

"Also, within the storyline of the comics, and our movie, ‘the Ancient One’ is a title that many people have had. 

We hit very early on on, What if the Ancient One was a woman? What if the title had been passed and the current Ancient One is a woman? Oh, that’s an interesting idea. [Clicks fingers.] Tilda Swinton! Whoah! And it just hit.”

“Look, she’s a chameleon in everything she does, She has this amazing [ability to] harness of this androgynous sense. 

So, we use the term ‘her’ and ‘she’ in the film but, other than that, it’s very androgynous. Because it doesn’t matter.”

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