viernes, 3 de julio de 2015


Ant-Man may just be my favorite Marvel film since Jon Favreau’s Iron Man (well, maybe excluding one film to which I’m partial)”

“Honestly, the movie is a complete blast! I was so happy after seeing it. It’s never boring for a second and it’s hilarious and warm throughout. It doesn’t get caught up in the webbing of its own science-fiction concept like so many movies do these days, remaining simple and elegant."

"It’s a part of the Marvel universe without being ruled by that fact. 

Paul Rudd is nuanced and charming and funny and is a surprisingly natural fit as a modern superhero (side-fact – Paul must be a nice guy, because he and I dated the same girl in college, and yet I still love him)."

"Michael Peña KILLS IT – this movie is going to make him a huge star. My old pal Judy Greer (she was Deadly Girl to my Minute Man in The Specials many moons ago) is great in a small role. And Michael Douglas is awesome.”

"I think all of Peyton Reed’s years directing have led him to making something as deft and nimble and joyous as this; he did an incredible job. And, despite Edgar Wright’s parting from Marvel, his spirit is felt through the entire project, and there is no doubt everyone owes him a huge debt of gratitude."

¡Pues unas magníficas perspectivas aseguradas ahora por un crítico de peso!

Es muy bueno que la compare con Iron Man, por que a su manera la película tiene que ser tan revolucionaria como lo fue la cinta fundacional de Marvel.

¡No puedo esperar a disfrutarla, sobre todo por la parte de DIVERTIDA!

1 comentario:


"¡No puedo esperar a disfrutarla, sobre todo por la parte de DIVERTIDA! "

Muy fina la indirecta contra Warner y las películas serias de superheroes, muy fina Sr Angosto ,LOL!

Si ANT-MAN logra ser mejor y más coherente que la nueva visión de Warner sobre Superman, que se preparen.Porque entonces va a tener usted razón (again) cuando comentó que la mejor pelicula sobre la liga de la justicia sería una sobre el escuadrón supremo.
Esperemos que sean todas buenas por el bien del genero...