martes, 19 de diciembre de 2017


¡ZAS, en toda la boca!

Vaughn reconoce sus tratos con Warner para dirigir allí, y lo hace indicando que no tiene problemas por que PEOR NO LE PUEDE SALIR, como en el caso de X-Men...

Ahora bien, ya no podrá trabajar con su amigo Mark Millar por que este está contratado por Netflix en exclusiva...

"I do love the world of DC, and I’ve been talking to them at the moment about a few things.

It’s more fun getting involved with franchises when they’re on the down, because then it’s easier to make a good film. So if I got involved with a few of the superhero films out there that have been disappointing, it’s going to be… if I do OK, it’ll probably be better."

"So when I did X-Men there was, you know, a pretty low bar — X-Men 3, no offense, was not a fantastic piece of work. It’s much more fun saving and reinventing something — I’d be more intimidated trying to do a new Guardians [of the Galaxy], for example."

"If I was going to do Batman, there’s no point doing the Dark Knight, because it’s been done to perfection — if I was doing Batman, I’d go ‘Christ, let’s bring out the Adam West version'.

I’m not interested in copying somebody else’s take on the genre. I’ve got to figure out what I’m doing next and I feel like flexing a muscle which I haven’t used before. And I’ve filmed quite a few superhero movies."

Hablando sobre la película de Superman que planeaba:

"It was actually a massive, uplifting, hopeful thing.

There’s no point doing Superman unless you feel good. 

You should walk out of ‘Superman’ just feeling like a million dollars. You should feel great after a Superman film. 

The movie itself was going to be a big, vast fun epic. But 'Superman’s got to be a laugh, as well."

1 comentario:

Krueger dijo...

Aún me estoy preguntando de quién será realmente la culpa. ¿De Singer y Snyder o de los idiotas que los eligieron? ¿Tan complicado es hacer una adaptación que sea correcta y que no reutilice a Luthor y Zod?
En cuanto al próximo Batman, espero que se parezca al juego Arkham origins. Estoy cansado de los villanos cirquenses.