lunes, 19 de agosto de 2013


Preguntado por un fan sobre si se acerca el fin de la línea Ultimate, Bendis molesto, carga contra la información, o desinformación en internet (y en Bleeding Cool) que se pretende adelantar a las historias, spoileándolas.

"Please allow me to not comment on unsubstantiated rumors and let us tell our story. and please believe me when I tell you that I have been working on the ultimate universe for 14 years. as important as it is to some of you it is doubly doubly doubly important to me. if not more so. and I promise you that I will not let you down and I will tell the story worth telling.

can you imagine if there were someone at your job who just decided it was their job to spoil everything that you do? and if they can’t spoil it they just make something up?
that is what it’s like to try to tell a decent story for this generation of mainstream comic book creators. see, if we deny the rumor, we give them hits, which is all they want, and if we don’t deny it, we make it true and give them hits. which is all they want. So no matter what I do, I lose. and no matter what I do they win.

I just want to tell a fucking story without this barnacle on my ass. and, yes, i know, just mentioning them causes them to start masturbating. I know I’m not helping myself but i just want to be clear where i stand with this.
what’s funny to me is that no matter how many times these stupid websites are wrong, and they are wrong about half the time, people still believe what they read. and I’m not just talking about rich’s website."

Hombre, yo desde la cancelación de las originales Ultimate X-Men y FF he considerado la línea obsoleta, no te digo nada ahora, que en el Universo Marvel también tienen su propio Nick Fury negro.

Si he comentado que termina el Universo Ultimate, caramba, es por que eso se empeñan ellos en hacernos creer: Galactus, nuevas cancelaciones de series, autores que abandonan la franquicia...

Y ya nos dijeron que a Miles Morales lo "salvarían". Pues vale.

A mi me da igual si el sello termina o no, lo único que me importa es que los buenos autores vuelvan al otro, al original, al que perdura.

2 comentarios:

static dijo...

Si no van a cancelar el Universo Ultimate, están haciendo un trabajo cojonudo para disimularlo XD. Vamos, es como si DiDio se levantara una mañana y anunciase los grandes planes que tiene para la línea Vertigo, (lo sé, soy cruel)...

Krueger dijo...

"I just want to tell a fucking story without this barnacle on my ass."
¿Y por qué no la cuentas, pedazo de vago? ¿Por qué nos haces tragar tus diálogos de sitcom?