miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2019


No he tenido ocasión de verla aún, pero tengo ganas, para poder diagnosticar bien donde se les fue la pinza en esta problemática película.

El actor intenta salvar del ahogado el sombrero echando la culpa a Marvel de que los fans solo toleren un tipo de tono para los superhéroes...

“The problem that I have with comic book movies nowadays is that I think, and it’s a result of the power of Marvel stuff, it’s like chocolate, it’s a flavor. So everybody goes chocolate is delicious and these guys make the best chocolate.

So as you judge the movies, it’s like, ‘Well it’s not as chocolatey as this, this does not taste like chocolate at all’. 

And I sort of want a world where there’s more flavors than just comparisons to chocolate. So in that way when Hellboy is viewed on the chocolate spectrum, it does very poorly.”

Afotundamente, luego reconoce que solo vale si la ves de viaje en autocar...

“That being said, it also has major problems. I think as a rental or as a movie that you see on an airplane, I think you’d be like, ‘Oh that was fun’ because it’s a fun movie, and I think it was unfairly bludgeoned as a result of these comparisons.”

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