miércoles, 4 de octubre de 2017


A pesar del batacazo, sobre todo creativo de la Momia, el Dark Universe continúa con una nueva película.

Lo rarito es que presenten a La Novia antes que al propio Frankenstein...

En cualquier caso, el año que viene no habrá estreno, y esta queda ya para 2019.

Habla el director, Bill Condo.

I’ve actually really gotten small for movies like Kinsey and Mr. Holmes and those films I really enjoy making too because you trade one set of pressures for another, you don’t quite have all the money but you do have a great amount of freedom from any kind of expectations, frankly.

Bride of Frankenstein isn’t a small movie. I’ve got the same team together that made Beauty and the Beast and we’re building big sets and designing big set pieces so it’s a pretty big movie.

We start on February 1st, 2018 so it’s the early days but just to be here in London, starting to see locations and to talk about sets that we’re building, it’s very exciting.

For me, the James Whale movie is really right there in the pantheon for me. 

As you know, the Bride is a character who appears in the last five minutes and then is destroyed so it’s a way to almost continue the movie that you imagine the movie he might have made the third Frankenstein movie but in 2018

1 comentario:

Krueger dijo...

Lo cierto es que ya existe un Frankenstein 3: La novia, una peli ochentera con Sting de villano y una Jennifer Beals generosamente despelotada como la novia que el creador decide quedarse, echando a la calle a su prototipo llamado Victor. Una peli algo descafeinada que esperemos mejore el director de Señor Holmes.