sábado, 14 de julio de 2018


Ya se me había ocurrido a mi tipo What If... que, siendo un matrimonio de la Silver Age, es fácil imaginar unos FF en el Multiverso formados por Hank y Janet en lugar de Reed y Sue.

Como destaca el director, en la película, más con el regreso de Janet, la dinámica de ambas familias es muy similar, con un Scott Lang que haría las veces del cabezaloca de Johnny Storm.

Reed, de apellido apropiado, suena cada vez más como director de la futura versión del cuarteto en Marvel Studios.

“I have been asked about that because of this pending potential merger of Disney and Fox and my previous involvement with Fantastic Four.

 I stand by the fact that the Fantastic Four, the comics, are the crown jewels kind of thing and that I think there is still an amazing, unbelievably great Fantastic Four movie to be made.

Beyond that, there have been no specific conversations about it. That merger is not even a done deal but it’s absolutely something that would be interesting particularly now because I think it’s like an insane challenge at this point.

Also, I think thematically the Ant-Man movies deal with a lot of the same things that Fantastic Four does.”

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