miércoles, 25 de julio de 2018


Uno de los problemas de DC adaptando personajes es que contratan primero a los actores y les hacen proyectos a su medida.

No hay respeto para la franquicia inicial y su historia y papel en los cómics. El último y más claro proyecto, el Joker que se le ha ocurrido a Phoenix, que sin duda, fiel a su nombre, disolverá al cine DC en cenizas.

Otro de los problemas es no respetar el "scope" de cada serie: Usted me dirá que pinta un personaje post-moderno e irreverente como LOBO en el pasado mítico de Krpton. Pero para Warner, a falta de otra mejor, esta es su "serie espacial" y todo cabe en este "cajón de-sastre".

On the surface, with Lobo being such a broad character and our show having a more grounded tone, it feels like an unlikely match. And in a way it is. It’s almost because of that is why we’re doing it. When we’ve done that on the show in the first season, it’s been largely successful, so we feel like we can do that again. We know that he can’t be as broad as he is in the comics.

He’s not going to be riding space dolphins, for example. But on the other hand, you don’t introduce Lobo to the show and make him be a watered-down version. We want to maintain the spirit of the character and honor what has made him so popular over the years.

That’s what we tried to do with Braniac, that’s what we did with Zod, that’s what we did with Doomsday in the small bits we’ve seen of him so far. That’s what we intend to do with Lobo. He’ll unmistakably be Lobo but he’ll fit within our world and not be too jarring.”

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