martes, 24 de abril de 2018


Ya han hablado de más los guionistas revelando que parte de la historia de Thanos no se verá en la pantalla. Confiamos que sepan reemplazarla por otra igualmente...seductora.

Pero Feige insiste en que la obra de Starlin, a quien vemos aquí en la Premiere, ha sido sido su guía desde el comienzo.

Desde aquí, comiéndonos las uñas, le dedicamos esta merecida entrada y recordamos orgullosos los momentos que compartimos en su primera visita a Madrid.

“It’s the comics that we look at, usually when there is just the notion of, ‘Let’s do an Iron Man movie,’ or, ‘Let’s have the audacity to try to do a version of the Infinity Gauntlet.’

It starts with those comics, and us beginning to rip pages out — or rip copies of pages out — put them on the walls, and start to be inspired.

In every single movie we’ve made, up to and especially Infinity War, there are direct images, storylines — rarely, but sometimes, actual lines of dialogue — that come from those pages that we’ve put up around our development room for inspiration.

With Infinity War, in particular, when there are so many characters and so many threads of storylines from so many movies that we could have pulled from or could have used as inspiration.”

“And we did, we kept going back to — and I think we’ve released some behind-the-scenes videos and things, and you can see the giant omnibus of the Infinity Gauntlet there, with all sorts of dog-eared pages and Post-its in there — from moments, and after everybody sees the movie, we can talk more specifically about what those moments were, most of them were surrounding Mr. Brolin’s Thanos portrayal — that came directly from Jim Starlin’s work.

It is always a guidepoint, it’s a north star for us, as we lead these giant productions into reality, are right from those books and where it all started.”

¿Que incluirán de su obra y que han dejado fuera...? 

EN ESTE GRAN ARTÍCULO LE DAN UN BUEN REPASO, para quienes gustan de ver las pelis con un ojo en los tebeos.

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