miércoles, 23 de enero de 2019


The Show es su nueva inmersión en el cine, que el mismo explica.

Although this is my first attempt at working seriously in cinema, the audience may want to know how it connects with my just-recently-concluded comic book career. The answer, as I see it, is “not very much at all”: this is completely fresh, with staggering new possibilities for mesmerism and immersive storytelling.

Then again, those seeking bleak dystopias in my narratives will be relieved to learn that this, occurring in the recently collapsed town of Northampton, is a fine example, with as many otherworldly characters as one might reasonably expect.

And yes, there is a superhero, but not like you think.

This hasn’t been adapted from work that was never meant for cinema; this is me and the talented, fantastic people that I’m working with, attempting to make the most stunning piece of British film that anyone has seen in years.

This is The Show, and we’re doing it right here.

Mientras la postrer miniserie de League Of Extraordinary Gentlement, cada vez más cerca del final.

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