martes, 27 de marzo de 2018


Aluvión de declaraciones sobre su personaje, donde lo mismo se arrepiente de las críticas que vuelve a menear el tema sacando a relucir la ya imposible versión de Lucas:

When you get down to it, it's not Mark Hamill in a blockbuster film. It's Luke. I had to do a wild reimagining of the character, like 'hey what happened between the last one and this one, where the most hopeful man in the galaxy becomes a cranky old suicidal man telling people to get off his lawn?

It's not distaste at all. It just wasn't a Luke I understood.

Ayudó al director a crear la historia en la que Luke picked the new Hitler to be the next hope and how I justified cutting off my telepathic communication with my sister.

In the context of how this has all been framed, you have to snap your head back and remember that with every single movie, with characters, it's always a dialogue between the director and actors. That's a healthy thing, you always bump heads

Comparó esta reacción adversa a la que tuvo leyendo el guión de Return of the Jedi: I read the script and thought 'wait a sec!' I thought I was heading toward the struggle of heading to the Dark Side. I'm in black. I have a glove. I see the trend here.

I'm like a lot of you. I feel an investment in it, a certain sense of ownership, which is a joke because I don't own it now, Disney does. But you care! That's what happens with these films. I'm sorry I lowered my guard and expressed my misgivings about it. That belongs in the filmmaking process. That doesn't belong to the public. I feel bad because I made that statement before I saw the finished film

I had a beginning, a middle and an end with this thing, I didn’t think that even if they went on and did new films that they’d ask us to come back. It’s so much more enjoyable now because you have a little perspective. When you’re in your twenties, it was my first film, I was like ‘they’re all going to be like this!'

I haven’t received a script, but listen, I had a spectacular entrance in seven, a spectacular exit in eight, and I’m just as happy to be in the audience as I am up on the screen.

I happen to know that George didn't kill Luke until the end of [Episode] 9, after he trained Leia. Which is another thread that was never played upon [in The Last Jedi].

George had an overall arc – if he didn't have all the details, he had sort of an overall feel for where the [sequel trilogy was] going – but this one's more like a relay race. You run and hand the torch off to the next guy, he picks it up and goes.

Aquí habla de nuevo sobre sus notables contribiciones al episodio VIII:

Initially, I didn't acknowledge Threepio, I walked right past him. I said, 'Rian, look it, after all those years of service, even though we haven't been in contact in recent years, Threepio was the closest to a sidekick I had. Harrison had Chewie and I had Artoo and Threepio, but [Rian's] so accommodating and so collaborative. He said, 'Oh, absolutely, you should go over there.' We didn't really have time to script anything, just to acknowledge him, and that's what I did.

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