Garth Edwards resume así la visita de Lucas al set:
“He said, don’t screw it up…I think there are two things that are incredibly surreal that you can do in your life.
Number 2 is having to show George Lucas your “Star Wars” movie. Like, that was really crazy.
And I think number 1 is to be George Lucas and have someone show you a “Star Wars” movie. So I felt for him, and he was incredibly gracious.”
“He joked a lot about how we should do more in the computer, and not build so much.
We didn’t take his advice. We tried to shoot as much in-camera as possible,”
¡Ja, ja, ja....genial esta broma de Lucas sobre los excesos con el CGI en la segunda trilogía!
Por cierto, id preparandoos: Mucho me temo que quizás los polémicos RESHOOTS no han acabado de ser tan efectivos como se quisiera...
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