lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2016


Eric Heisserer ha tenido la honradez de no pretender comprimir setenta y cinco números de algo muuuuy denso en seis horas, considerando que la historia no se presta a ese formato y que si lo hace al de una serie de TV.

"I had many conversations with Neil [Gaiman] on this, and I did a lot of work on the feature and came to the conclusion that the best version of this property exists as an HBO series or limited series, not as a feature film, not even as a trilogy."

"The structure of the feature film really doesn’t mesh with this. 

So I went back and said here’s the work that I’ve done. This isn’t where it should be. It needs to go to TV. So I talked myself out of a job!"

Con semejante diagnóstico, creo que se desvanece la posibilidad de arrancar este proyecto, y habrá que esperar si el éxito de American Gods pone en marcha el de una serie de TV.

1 comentario:

Tachuela dijo...

Por lo que entiendo, la película no se queda paralizada. Simplemente, el guionista ha entregado su trabajo y se ha ido:

"So I went back and said here’s the work that I’ve done. This isn’t where it should be. It needs to go to TV. So I talked myself out of a job!"