domingo, 30 de octubre de 2016


“My dream would be to make it much smaller, to lose the toys and to focus more on the mission, and to use the city a great deal more. Because he’s got a loving relationship with the city he’s protecting.

And, unlike, Superman his connection to crime is intimate; it has been ever since his parents were murdered. And he defeats criminals with his hands. So it would be a different take.

But it will never be in my hands, because it would not be a good place to make toys from. There wouldn’t be a line of toys.”

No seré yo quien apoye a Miller como director de un Batman, pero el personaje está ya tan desnaturalizado en sus adaptaciones que estas declaraciones suenan hasta deseables.

Y sobre todo revelan la gran verdad: Como la industria creativa está absolutamente atada por mil y intereses ajenos a ella.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Que mal tiene que estar la situación para que hasta Frank Miller suene razonable...
