domingo, 12 de abril de 2015


Hablando de por qué no tiene un lugar preponderante en el cómic de superhéroes, Cooke vuelve a diagnosticar con certeza parte de los males de la industria actual:

"If we're talking about mainstream comics, I think there have been a lot of real tactical errors made in this century. I can't really read superhero comics anymore because they're not about superheroes. They've become so dark and violent and sexualized. I think it's a real wrong turn."

"I don't know how a company like Warner Bros. or Disney is able to rationalize characters raping and murdering and taking drugs and swearing and carrying on the way they do, and those same characters are on sheet sets for 5-year-olds, and pajamas and cartoons. I think there's a really odd and schizophrenic thing that's happened within the industry."

"I think there's a really odd and schizophrenic thing that's happened within the industry. Everybody's writing books for themselves. The median age of a creator is probably between 35 and 50 right now. Once they abandoned the notion that these characters were all-ages characters, they really limited the market."

"I think the bravest and smartest thing one of these companies could do would be to scrap everything they're doing and bring in creative people who would have the talent and were willing to put in the effort it takes to write an all-ages universe that an adult or a child could enjoy," he continued. "If either one of these companies were smart enough to do that, I think they could take huge strides for the industry."

2 comentarios:

  1. Yo creo que tiene mucha razón el señor, es decir, si rastreamos el origen de esto, viene desde los watchmen, dark knight returns, los comics imagen 90's, vértigo, mar el knights, en fin, se debería apostar como bien dice......a comics mas universales, que tanto lo pueda leer un niño, como un adolescente, como un friki, como un adulto y como un anciano......estoy totalmente de acuerdo

    Sebastian O

  2. Yo también estoy de acuerdo con el autor y con Sebastian O, he leido comics de "superheroes" que me han revuelto las tripas.
    Si los comparamos con comics de los 70-80, y no hablemos ya de los 60-50 parece que estamos leyendo parodias underground con muy mala baba y autodestructivas de los mismos personajes.
    No son tebeos para todas las edades, Superman no puede tratar a un antagonista como lo haría Conan el bárbaro, que digo como lo haría uno de los malos de Conan...
    De esos polvos estos lodos.
