martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012


By the time we hit issue #700 you are going to see so much Spider-Man continuity in play it's not even funny. If you're a new reader it will be a lot of fun, and If you you're a long time Spider-Man fan it will be a treasure trove. There's so much of "ASM's" rich history in here, but in a loving way. Fans will be like, "WOW! I remember all of that. Look how that plays into #700!"

The thing that really helped me staying was that you can see all the puzzle pieces. There are many bread crumbs and clues leading you down this path. This is not something where someone RECENTLY asked, "Okay we're going to change everything up for Marvel NOW!, what change up are you doing?" No, this has ALWAYS been building to this. And the nice thing is-- that it's such a sea change. I've always been building towards it, and it's as drastic as anything that we're doing in Marvel NOW!

5 comentarios:

  1. Vamos, no se si el cambio gustará, pero siendo Slott seguro que será lógico y muy sorprendente. Yo sigo la edición española, y he de decir que me está gustando mucho Ends of the Earth.

  2. Queda claro el trabajo editorial y la importancia del mismo en esta coleccion...algo que debiera aprender toda la comitiva DC...

    Mexico DF

  3. me asusta comprobar que aparte de algun "enteradillo" (y de los antionemoreday, que todavia aguantan) el resto somos fans de esta etapa de spiderman... tanta unanimidad me abruma XD.

    Un brindis por la ultima gran serie clásica de la marvel, a ver lo que dura.

  4. De esta etapa tienen que ser fan todos los que les guste Spider-Man y no se crean que JMS es Dios...

  5. Niego la mayor, pero por no repetirme os ahorraré mis diatribas.

    Me gusta JMS (pero no es Dios) y me gusta Spider-Man, pero no me gusta nada de nada esta etapa.

    Raro que es uno.
