domingo, 12 de mayo de 2024


J.R. Loflin, como es habitual, ha sido el primero en mandarnos unas elogiosas líneas sobre nuestro recién aparecido cómic, que podéis adquirir aquí, en digital o impreso por encargo: 

A while back, I was very kindly sent a preview copy of this issue. Here are the comments I made in reply, as I always intended to post them on FB once the issue was released. Available in Print and Digital Editions via IndyPlanet! Big Bang Adventures #26: RTA Roundup Review! 

 I have to confess, I thought I was done with reviewing Big Bang Comics, and while that may or may not be true, only the future knows for certain, I did want to express my heartfelt excitement at this preview copy of the upcoming Round Table of America issue of Big Bang Adventures!
It's odd, diving back in after so long, but in some ways, I feel like I never left. I'm a little more conversant with the histories of the characters now than I was before, even if I have some ways to go before being completely caught up. 

 This issue serves as both an epilogue to Last Whiz Kids Story and also as a prequel or Chapter One of the next stage of the RTA's adventures, with the reformation of the team into a force to be reckoned with. I could argue that there wasn't a villain to fight and that the issue sets up the status quo without giving us any action proper, but honestly, I found this fresh start to be rather refreshing and to sit with the characters a bit and just spend time with them outside the confines of a End of the World Plot.
The issue seems to simply zip by in a Blitz of much-needed infodumps and hints and glimpses of things we've yet to see, a tantalizing treat for first-time readers and long-term Big Bangers alike. 

 As a mere mortal myself, I felt the ages fly past as the three main RTA members discuss not only their current developments but also their hopes, plans and expectations of the future, and how their legacy may or may not live on without them there to guide it.
A sobering thought, perhaps, but I soon found myself happily distracted by montage scenes of the members being recruited into the newest iteration of the Round Table of America. The fact that it was the ACTUAL Round Table used by King Arthur was icing on the cake. 

 Speaking of cake, I loved the additional layers of character spotlights and guides, pinups reflecting untold tales, and just pure old-school comic magic. Definitely one to pick up!

Os dejo con un nuevo vídeo sobre el reciente especial BIG BIG BANG COMICS

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