lunes, 31 de julio de 2023


Con un excelente despegue, antes de llegar a la mitad del mes que dura, faltan solo unos 50 patrocinadores más y estará logrado. 

 Como suele suceder, en medio de su programación los apoyos se ralentizan, y aunque no tenemos duda de que se logren, cuanto más vemos de este proyecto más convencidos estamos de que supondrá un cambio a mejor, revolucionario, para la editorial que ahora cumple 40 años.
Este fin de semana, GARRY CARLSON -aún recuperándose de sus recurrentes problemas de salud- & CHRIS ECKER (derecha) se reunieron asistiendo a la COMICMANÍA CONVENTION en Elgin, illinois.
En las fotos los podéis ver junto a otros compañeros de los años de MEGATON COMICS:  Mike Matthew, Frank Fosco y, en esta foto, Sterling Clark, que ahora trabaja en el tercer número de NATIONAL GUARDIANS, el pastiche de los Vengadores de los años 60.

BIG Big Bang Comics is Here! Michael Fitzgerald Troy is proud to announce BIG Big Bang Comics! Big Big Bang Comics is a new treasury-sized anthology kickstarter comic book from Big Bang Comics and Cosmic Lion Productions. 

Big Big Bang is a huge love-letter tribute to Big Bang and its founders Gary Carlson, Chris Ecker and 40 plus years of independent publishing. BIG Big Bang Comics is huge! Not only big in stature at the large 8.7 x 13.3 inch print size- it will also boast a big page count with 100 plus pages. Filled with all new stories, art and pinups this book is gorgeous.

BIG Big Bang Comics boasts an amazing list of powerhouse talent. Acclaimed cover artist and Cartoonist Kayfaber Jim Rugg is supplying the Silver-Age flavored “Baseball Card” cover that will actually be tuned into trading cards as part of a Kickstarter incentive. Acclaimed satirist and frequent Mad Magazine contributor Kerry Callen supplies the stunning Golden-Age flavored chase cover featuring all your favorite Big Bang heroes.
Indie darling Nick Cagnetti, of Pink Lemonade fame has done a jaw-dropping Berzerker centerfold that will blow your mind. Rounding out the All-star Squadron is rising underground phenom Mahdi Khene turning in a truly disturbing Ultiman and Knignt Watchman piece.
The rest of the book boasts some major talent from some of the most talented cartoonists from the indie comics world. If you haven’t heard of some of these talented artists before-you will definitely know their names after BIG Big Bang Comics! 

 The list includes Sam J. Royale, Barry Tan, Brian Payne, Evan Quiring, Milo Trent, Paul Soeiro, James Windsor-Smith, Tony McMILLEN, The Q Method, Jason Quinones, Jason Foster, Todd Blackwood and more.
Big Bang Comics started as Megaton in the early 80s and arguably launched the careers of Erik Larsen and Rob Liefeld. Early appearances of Savage Dragon and Youngblood can be found in Megaton Comics leading Rob Liefled to coin Gary Carlson “The Grandfather of Image Comics". A name that has followed him for decades. 

 After several years of Megaton, Gary and Chris decided to focus on the more Golden and Silver Age inspired characters in their catalogue and thus Big Bang Comics was born. Big Bang has been published through various places, most notably a healthy stint at Image comics. Big Bang has continued to publish ever since- mostly through the digital & print on demand publisher Indyplanet.
This summer saw Image Comics publish The Megaton Chronicles collecting the initial Megaton run for the very first time renewing buzz for the classic series and Big Bang Comics. 

 Big Bang also recently released the latest issue of Big Bang Adventures and a new Knignt Watchman mini-series written by Chris Ecker.

  After interviewing Gary for his YouTube channel (MichaelFitzTroyTv) Michael Troy thought Big Bang deserved something special to celebrate their legendary publishing history and thus BIG BIg Bang Comics was born. “Gary has done so much for the industry and is really beloved by his peers. I thought a new gorgeous art focused book that paid tribute to his legacy would be pretty cool. 

I contacted indie publisher and rising Star Eli Schwab at Cosmic Lion Productions about the book. He enthusiastically agreed and luckily so did Gary Carlson. Big Bang had never done a Kickstarter before and I knew it had to be something special. And it is!”, said Michael Troy BIG Big Bang Comics launched July 17th with a 10,000 goal. The campaign ends August 17th and if successful should ship as early as October.


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