sábado, 21 de abril de 2018


Ójala dirija para DC Films, pero de momento, ha dicho esto de la peli de Marvel:

"I think Ryan Coogler did an amazing job writing and directing a movie that is culturally, perhaps, the largest cultural break-out film of the last decade. 

It's going to really change things and keep things changed for the betterment of all of us."

"I think the whole idea that young white kids from principally red communities are going to say 'I want to grow up and look and be just like Black Panther.' I think that's a wonderful, wonderful thing that's happening right now,"

"The Color Purple was pretty way ahead of its time too. And I was criticized for directing The Color Purple because I wasn't a black director. 

I understand that now. I didn't understand it then, but I understand the criticism looking back at the time."

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