domingo, 15 de abril de 2018


Por como suena, yo juraría que ya le han comunicado su papel en el Episodio IX...¡Y TAMPOCO LE HA GUSTADO!

Sobre la decisión de acortar la reacción de Luke a la muerte de Han, pero incluir la de el ordeño de morsa alienígena...

“But that always happens in films. You say, ‘Oh, what about this scene where this happens or that happens?’ because you want to give the fullest experience that you can.

And like you say, it was brief enough that I was — [chuckles] They had time for me to milk that big alien but to show any human emotion? Nah, we don’t have time for that. But again it’s not my call.”

Sobre estrenar Han Solo tras únicamente seis meses desde The Last Jedi:

“I will say they should pace themselves, because you don’t want to over-saturate it. 

I said to Disney, ‘Really? Five months after we come out comes [Solo: A Star Wars Story]? 

Can’t you at least wait until Christmas?’ But they’ve got things booked – they’re doing Marvel and their own movies, so that’s beyond my [purview.]”

Sobre las quejas de los fans sobre las películas:

“They have such an investment in it, you know? They feel they have a sense of ownership, and I totally get that. I feel the same way. Things don’t always go the way I like them, either.”

Confiesa que le da igual volver o no a Star Wars:

“It really has tarnished my ability to enjoy it to its fullest. You were asking earlier, ‘Are you gonna come back?’ I don’t care anymore, on that level. 

Because Han Solo is gone, Luke is gone. You just can’t get the band back together the way you wanted it to be, and it shouldn’t be that way. It is what it is. Rather than being sorry that we can’t have more of her, I’m just grateful that we had the time with her that we did.”

Por último comenta la escena final de The Last Jedi, poniendo algo de ESPERANZA:

What I love particularly was - and they didn't have to do this, because the movie's over - all of a sudden you cut to the stable and there's that little boy, he puts out his hand and the broom comes to him. 

It's so subtle, the first time I saw it I thought he just took it, but if you look he puts his hand out and it moves over for him, implying that yeah, [Rey's] the last Jedi... until the next Jedi. It'll go on forever, believe me. Long after both of us are gone they'll be making these films from here into eternity.

Incluimos este vídeo de fallos, para alegrar un poquito el cuerpo después de este "repasito".

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