martes, 27 de marzo de 2018


La editorial American Mythology, que venía publicando la serie PELLUCIDAR planea ahora ampliar la línea con nuevos personajes y series de Burroughs, cuya licencia aparentemente comparte con la editorial Dynamite, que acaba de realizar una serie similar.

American Mythology, the Maryland-based publisher of comic books and graphic novels, is proud to spearhead a bold new era for fantasy and adventure with “Fear on Four Worlds,” an epic event that unites the iconic heroes of literary great Edgar Rice Burroughs into a shared comic book universe!

Beginning with the special one-shot Carson of Venus #1 in June, the four-part “Fear on Four Worlds” storyline will continue across additional special issues in the ensuing months: Moon Maid #1, Pellucidar #1, and The Land That Time Forgot #1, and the aftershocks of this cataclysmic event will ripple through individual miniseries throughout 2018 and beyond!

The first chapter of “Fear on Four Worlds” premieres with Carson of Venus #1, written by the talented Christopher Mills (Gravedigger, Femme Noir) and debuting the gorgeous art style of newcomer Cyrus Mesarcia.

Two worlds collide as a group of unlikely explorers from Caspak – the prehistoric realm known to Burroughs fans as “The Land that Time Forgot” – leap across our solar system to the danger-fraught landscape of Venus. Stalked by alien beasts and treacherous villains, their only hope for survival lies in a legendary figure from eighty years in Earth’s past: long-lost astronaut Carson Napier!

“I first discovered Edgar Rice Burroughs in elementary school when I borrowed a copy of Swords of Mars from the bookmobile. Burroughs’ unbridled imagination really inspired me then, and still does today,” says Christopher Mills.

“When I was offered the Carson of Venus and The Moon Maid writing gigs, I was thrilled! I never thought that I’d get the opportunity to play around in ERB’s sandbox, and the prospect of doing so was exhilarating, as his works have influenced my own work to a great extent over the years. In re-reading and researching the novels in preparation for writing the comics, I was once again struck by Burroughs’ incredible imagination and pure skill as a storyteller. The man was a genius, and his creations just keep on finding new audiences even after a century in print.”

Mike Wolfer, editor-in-chief of American Mythology, says, “When looking at all four Edgar Rice Burroughs properties, one of the first things that we discussed was how to combine them all into one shared universe. 

I personally enjoyed the Marvel Universe back in the ’70s because of the cohesion. I loved that every once in a while one superhero would wander through the book of another hero; there were cameos, and small events in one series could have major ramifications in a totally unrelated series months or even years later. And that’s what we want to do with our ERB Universe.”

PULP FACTION, diversión interplanetaria.

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