miércoles, 21 de febrero de 2018


El viejo Roy Batty tiene sus razones para el fracaso de la secuela:

I sniff and scratch at it. It looks great but I struggle to see why that film was necessary.

I just think if something is so beautiful, you should just leave it alone and make another film. Don’t lean with one elbow on the success that was earned over 30 years in the underground.

In many ways, Blade Runner wasn’t about the replicants, it was about what does it mean to be human? It’s like E.T.

But I’m not certain what the question was in the second Blade Runner. It’s not a character-driven movie and there’s no humor, there’s no love, there’s no soul.

You can see the homage to the original. But that’s not enough to me.
I knew that wasn’t going to work. But I think it’s not important what I think.

Pues aunque lo que el piense no sea importante, dudo MUCHO que sus palabras se pierdan esta vez "como lágrimas en la lluvia".

1 comentario:

  1. Si quieres una buena continuación de Blade runner, ponte a ver Altered carbon. Imagina que alguien resucita a Deckard en un mundo post-replicantes para resolver un crimen.
    En cuanto a 2049, ¿tan difícil era crear replicantes fértiles? Digo yo que sería un poco más fácil que asegurar su esterilidad.
