domingo, 25 de junio de 2017


Ni que decir tiene que saliendo de ver Wonder Woman, mucho me temo que CUALQUIER PROYECTO DC va a tener muchos problemillas por el camino.

Pero será entretenido ver que quieren hacer los directores, aunque luego no llegue a término...

“Look, I’m just starting Batman because literally, [War for the Planet of the Apes], as I just said, we finished about a we ago and now we’re publicizing it. So, we haven’t even begun on Batman.

For me, what’s always important is to try and find a personal way in. 

In that way, I do feel like I relate to actors. It’s about understanding emotionally, the way something is.

I see this parallel between Caesar and Batman, really, which is this idea of these characters who are grappling with their own struggle and trying to do the right thing in an imperfect world and, so, I do really relate it to that kind of idea.”

We’re just starting… For me, point of view is really important. I want to make sure you are experiencing something from the perspective of the main character in the story. I’m a huge Hitchcock fan – I like the idea of being immersed in that perspective.

Mientras tanto han crecido los rumores sobre que el antagonista sería THE PENGUIN, interpretado por Josh Gad, el LeFou de Beauty And The Beast
Así lo respalda esta reciente foto con Geoff Johns.

Como yo me lo pasé muy bien con el en esa peli, tiene mi voto.

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