domingo, 7 de mayo de 2017


Que no han gustado nada, en general...

Habla el Showrunner, Scott Buck.

“I have no knowledge of the movie or anything other beyond this. People high up at Marvel may have some sense of what’s going on there, but for me, I’m just working on this TV show, so I have no connection to any movie.”

“We all inhabit the same universe, so things that have happened on S.H.I.E.L.D. will potentially affect our show as well. Not at this point. [Laughs] We’re just trying to get this launched.”

“Black Bolt is a very difficult character I would think for Anson, but for any actor to play. But Anson is tackling it in a hugely fantastic way. It’s a little bit difficult to write him, because Black Bolt does not speak, but yet he is our hero and he is the center of the show, so it does certainly present challenges in how you tell his story, but fortunately we came up with a really good story.”

“Anson is terrific. I think everyone’s going to be very pleased and excited by his Black Bolt. We’re not doing voice over. If you read the comics, you see Black Bolt does find a way to communicate to people, but he’s also a very enigmatic character as well, and he keeps a lot inside. That’s part of what’s so fascinating about him is that a lot of times, we don’t know what he’s thinking.”

“Lockjaw is probably going to end up being the audience’s favorite character. We certainly enjoy working with him. He’s fun to write, he’s fun to shoot.

 There’s not too much more detail than that that I can give, but he is going to be a standout on the show.”

“It is very difficult. Even now, it’s still a process. It takes quite a long time in post to make that effect work. We have some of the best visual effects people available working on our show. We still haven’t seen the final version of it; it’s very much a work in process.”

“To a certain extent, yes, [we like to show off their powers,] but again, we approach these all as real people who just happen to have these abilities, so they’re all very grounded people. We try to write them as real as possible, and then have fun with the powers when we can. We want their powers to seem like a very natural part of their personality.”

4 comentarios:

  1. ¿Por qué presiento que Perlmutter es el culpable de haber colocado a este inepto de Scott Buck como showrunner, tanto de Iron Fist como de Inhumans? Tan buena racha que traían las series (y el MCU en general) y llega este apelmazado a arruinar la fiesta.
    Me va quedando claro que el tipo no entiende de que van realmente los superhéroes, que quiere plasmarlos tan "aterrizados" que les quita todo lo característico y emocionante, sobretodo visualmente.
    Más vale que con esta serie cumplan de manera decente en desarrollar a los personajes, uno de los fallos más graves de Iron Fist, y ya con eso lograrían salvarla, pero no quiero volver a ver al cretino de Buck rondando por un set de Marvel.
    Y estoy muy de acuerdo con el artículo, de entrada ya me jodieron varios diseños, en especial el de Black Bolt, pero bueno, nada que no pueda remediarse eventualmente (o eso quiero pensar), en especial en una película. A cruzar los dedos.


  2. Solo hablan de caracterizacion del personaje por medio de guión, pero yo creo que también ayudaría si físicamente se parecieran a los personajes, o sea, que usaran sus disfraces, como en el caso de black Bolt y gorgon, pero los actores odian las mascaras porque creen que asi el público no sabe que son ellos

  3. Fan Decepcionado8 de mayo de 2017, 7:41

    Vas a una convención y te encuentras cosplayers con mejores trajes que estos :/

  4. Es que son horribles, no me jodas. Medusa parece Morticia Adams vestida por Ágata Ruíz de la Prada.
