viernes, 7 de abril de 2017


Tras el exitazo de su THE WALKING DEAD, papá Kirkman anuncia orgulloso que su otra gran creación se dirige a la gran pantalla adaptada por Seth Rogen y Evan Golberg:

For nearly a decade I’ve had to endure the ‘what about Invincible?’ question as fans have watched The Walking Dead grow into the multi-media monstrosity it has become over the years.

The answer was always that we were waiting for the right team to partner with. That team has arrived! The esteemed misters Goldberg and Rogen have proven themselves to be top-notch directors with a keen collective eye for stunning visuals after slumming it by writing hit after juggernaut hit.

Invincible‘s surprising, edgy, shocking, and oftentimes blood-soaked story couldn’t be in more capable hands. With the team of Rogen, Goldberg and Universal, I’m very confident this will be another superhero movie, in a long line of superhero movies that continues to prove that it’s a viable, thrilling genre that will keep people coming to the cinema for years to come.

Habrá que ver qué tan fieles son adaptando las HIPERVIOLENTAS BATALLAS del cómic.

1 comentario:

  1. Sí, adaptado por el mismo productor que adaptó Predicador. Suerte...
