martes, 14 de febrero de 2017


Interesantísimas y agudas desclaraciones que nos tranquilizan: el Doctor Cazavampiros regresará en una versión más humana y menos hiperbólica que la que encarnó Jackman.

Well I guess the biggest thing that’s already been said is it’s contemporary, it’s a modern-day reimagining…

 I can talk about my emotional state of what I’ve been passionate about or sometimes frustrated by are the number of films where we find an extraordinary character with superhuman abilities that becomes a hero to solve a problem that a normal person cannot solve.

And I was eager to try and buck that trend and showcase someone who had no extraordinary powers, just resourcefulness and will and kind of a stubbornness who’s able to tackle some of these bigger problems.

Because I don’t like the idea that we’re infusing our public and our pop culture with the idea that only super people can solve the world’s problems. 

I like the idea of the everyday hero stepping up to the plate and getting things fixed.”

“I don’t know what it’s going to look like at the end of the process, so I’m gonna withhold on commenting on really where it lands. 

I can say that my intent stepping in was to make it as scary as possible, partly because I know how to do that, and also because when you’re the only human surrounded by a bunch of supernatural creatures, that’s gotta be absolutely unnerving.”

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