domingo, 15 de enero de 2017


Si algo dejan claro estas fotos es que...¡este grupo no son los Avengers!

Siguen unas declaraciones de los actores, comenzando por Charlie Cox y su Daredevil:

Well, it’s been a few months since the end of season 2. I think it’s been quite a challenging few months for him. He took the death of Elektra very badly —I think he feels responsible for that. 

One of Matt’s big things is trying to protect the people he loves, which is why he keeps his identity hidden, and he’s failed. He’s left holding the dead body of a loved one, and so I think he’s tried to turn a corner.

From what we’ve shot so far, they want to genuinely make a difference and help people out. I’m not convinced that Jessica Jones feels quite as earnestly about that [laughs], but in some ways paradoxically, these great powers are also our great shame.

These characters are living with a shame and a loneliness and have felt kind of ostracized. I think they felt like freaks and have been misunderstood. And as sad as that sounds, there’s also something quite beautiful about that. There’s something quite human about that.

I think he’s doing the best with what he can at the time. He finds himself between a rock and a hard place, which is the crux of his issue really from the beginning of season 1. 'Should I or shouldn’t I? What is more beneficial to society?

It’s almost like quitting an addiction in the hope that it will get easier. He’s perhaps a little bit lost, and the best he can do for now is to not engage in his vigilante activities. When we meet him at the beginning of The Defenders, I’m not sure he’s completely found peace with that idea.

Krysten Ritter habla de Jessica Jones:

She’s still dealing with the aftermath of Kilgrave, and now she’s dealing with ‘success’ — and not well. People want her to work for them, she’s getting a lot of business, and she’s not ready for any of that.

 She hasn’t changed, but her environment has, and there’s no handbook for how to exist in a world where you are now popular.

She’s gloriously the most reluctant hero in the world. She’s going to have to let three men into her life who she doesn’t 100 percent trust.

It switches back and forth, to be honest.No one’s best friends in all of the Defenders. This is a reluctant team-up.

Mike Colter habla de la relación de Luke Cage con Danny Rand, Iron Fist:

He’s a young guy. There’s an exuberance that Iron Fist comes with that Luke Cage wants to temper a bit.

It can’t help but have a wisdom-versus-youth quality… Danny comes out like a bull in a china shop in some ways, and I think Luke has seen the world and knows certain things. It’s a cool combination that’ll work out.

We definitely want to pay homage to the fanboys, but we want to make it make sense in this time period.

Las series Marvel de Netflix han servido para atraer a toda una nueva franja de público a la ficción superheróica, que han conseguido desarrollar de la manera más adulta y sofisticada, sin perder de vista la esencia de los cómics Marvel: Sus personajes realistas, sus localizaciones conocidas, y sus villanos tan importantes o más que los personajes.

Es por eso que me congratulo en anunciaros que he creado un NUEVO GRUPO DE FACEBOOK DEDICADO A LOS DEFENSORES Y LA TELEVISIÓN MARVEL.

Además de Punisher, tenemos a Ghost Rider y el resto de personajes que se ha introducido en la serie Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Pero aún más, el Universo Marvel va a crecer en TV con la llegada de LEGION, RUNAWAYS Y CLOAK & DAGGER, estas dos últimas de inminente producción.

Y no perderemos de vista las anteriores encarnaciones del grupo en los cómics...

Todos estos y muchos más proyectos los iremos siguiendo en el nuevo grupo, que esperamos que sea tan exitoso e internacional como los que ya hemos creado.

Aprovechamos para recordaros que podéis uniros también a MAN OF BRONZE y PULP FACTION.

¡Esperamos vuestra contribución y pasión por este nuevo Universo Televisivo que ahora por fin se presenta!

Y si, ¡ya tenemos más futuros grupos temáticos en mente, atentos!

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