viernes, 20 de enero de 2017


El directo explica por que no veremos al poco discreto Mr. Sinister (al menos tal y como aparece en los cómics):

I wanted to avoid the kind of operatic highly-costumed, stroboscopic villainy that's usually part of comic book adaptations.

That’s not in this movie. Everything is kind of as real as we can make it.

The movie is trying to kind of take a step backward from that kind of spectacle, so that we get another kind of gain, you know.

There’s that loss, but the gain is that the movie feels extremely real and is — as one person who saw the film said to me, ‘I feel like I could go down the street and run into that Wolverine.’ 

Meaning that this is in my world, not some shiny other world. This is actually taking place in my world."

James Mangold también aclaró en qué futuro pasa la película:

It's year 2029 when the movie takes place. There's an epilogue scene in Days of Future Past which is 2024, or 2023, something like that. I just wanted to get far enough past.

My goal was real simple: it was to pick a time where I had enough elbow room that I was clear of existing entanglements.

Part of the way I think this films stop being fresh (these films being franchise comic book movies) is when you find yourself making essentially a television series with $200 million episodes where you're literally just picking up where the last one left off and you're making a mini-series.

Then, it's impossible to do something fresh, meaning essentially you're just a director on the 14th episode of a television show picking up where the last one left off and people are going to be really startled by any discontinuity or changes.

The goal here was to somehow make a film that's different: to be a filmmaker myself and go, 'How would I bring myself to this? What would I do if I was starting from scratch? What would I explore? What have I seen not explored?' 

Not only in the X-Men universe but in comic book movies in general.

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