lunes, 16 de enero de 2017


Resumir décadas de publicación en una sola película, eso que a Marvel Studios le sale tan bien, es CONDENADAMENTE DIFÍCIL.

Ya hay muchos ejemplos en contra, y más aún de intentar desarrollar un universo y que este al final quede abortado por confuso. Recordad el Spider-Man de Sony....

Así que, con excelente criterio, el Cable del cine será un señor del futuro con un rifle, y poco más:

Y es que Cable ya nació bajo la égida de Bob Harras, que no es famoso precisamente por editar con cuidado los orígenes y motivaciones de sus personajes (véase la DC actual).

So with Cable, he’s got such a convoluted past, and such a convoluted origin story that I think we’re going to try to leave that, not mysterious, but there are a lot of twists and turns, cloning and all this stuff where you go, “Oh my God. How do we get that across in a two hour movie?”

I think we’re going to distill him down to his essence. 

It will be authentic and faithful, but it’s not going to include the 18,000 details if you were going to read a Wikipedia page about Cable you’d roll your eyes.

Y sobre como preparar la llegada de X-Force, los guionistas tienen unas preclaras ideas, donde las críticas a DC Films son más que obvias:

We never want to let the tail wag the dog. We want to tell the best Deadpool story we can. B

ut I do think we have a responsibility to think about a larger universe in the way that Marvel does and start to put pieces in place.

Some of these movies feel overstuffed and almost choking with the need to set up eighteen different things that pay off down the road, and we want to avoid that responsibility to the extent that it hurts us.

We want to hint at things, we want to plan some characters, and we want to make some nods, but we’re very, very cognizant about making sure that Deadpool is above all a Deadpool movie.

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