martes, 3 de enero de 2017


Mientras Rogue One rompe records de recaudación, confirmando que los críticos sobramos en un mundo de marcas y marketing, es aún interesante saber qué pasó con LA PRIMERA VERSIÓN DE LA PELÍCULA, antes de los Reshoot, esa que no gustó por que NO PARECÍA STAR WARS y acabó pareciendosele DEMASIADO...

El mismísimo Krennic desvela interesantes cosas sobre ella...

“Yep, absolutely, very much. We did have multiple, multiple ways of going at any given scenario, we had multiple readings of it. So should they ever decided to, there would be a wealth of ways of approaching these different things.

And I know from having seen sort of the crucial kind of scenes throughout it, I know there’s vastly different readings of at least four of those scenes.”

“Absolutely, with enormous differences within I would’ve said 20 or 30 of the scenes…There would be enormously different renderings.”

In terms of the overall swoop, yeah, very much. I think that Krennic developed sort of along as we went, he had different ideas. And he settled yet on exactly –He was still thinking of a couple of variations in a lot of things at that stage.

If you want to talk about alternative takes on things, there’s been quite a few different renderings of this within Gareth’s mind, and I dare say some of it’s been captured on film. 

So there are different renderings.”

A este paso no sería raro ver un "montaje del director" con esta versión tan diferente... ¡Depende de cuanto dinero gane

Las espectaculares ilustraciones son de Dave Dorman.

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