martes, 13 de septiembre de 2016


Nueva entrevista, y nuevo entrevistador "osado" que se atreve a preguntarle a Moore por sus opiniones sobre los superhéroes, cuando este, inmerso en la publicación de Jerusalem, quiere obviamente hablar de otra cosa.

¡El resultado no tiene desperdicio! Gran entrevista, de la que aquí os destaco parte pero que merece la pena leerse entera.

This is not a topic I’m eager to discuss. I will say that when I was a child, from about 7 to 12 reading Superman, comics were an incredible stimulus for my imagination. They were brilliant. They were cheap. They were readily available. I don’t think that superheroes or superhero comics of today are aimed at children anymore.

That to me looks slightly unhealthy. People have been saying since the mid-'80s that “comics have grown up.” I don’t think that’s factually true. I think what happened was that there have been a couple of comics that seemed to be reaching for a more mature readership, and that has coincided with the emotional age of the mass audience coming the other way.

I am really in a bad mood about superheroes. I’m not the best person to ask about this. What are these movies doing other than entertaining us with stories and characters that were meant to entertain the 12-year-old boys of 50 years ago? Are we supposed to somehow embody these characters? That’s ridiculous. They are not characters that can possibly exist in the real world. 

Yes, I did Watchmen. Yes, I did Marvelman. These are two big seminal superhero works, I guess. But remember: Both of them are critical of the idea of superheroes. They weren’t meant to be a reinvigoration of the genre.

The superheroes of my youth had dogs that dressed in capes and masks! It’s obvious they stand for nothing other than the power of the imagination. I tend to see a lot of these current figures as the focus of a kind of unhealthy escapism.

La paradoja, claro, es que se queje de que los adultos se interesen por los superhéroes quien más hizo para que esto fuera posible. Aún sus trabajos más "inocentes" como Tom Strong, solo pueden ser propiamente entendidos por adultos.

Claro que si yo me entero de que un personaje creado por mi ha sido el "culpable" de convertir al Universo DC en la versión New 52 mi respuesta sería bastante menos educada... Se entiende.

1 comentario:

  1. De todas maneras no entiendo la obsesión por preguntarle por los superheroes a no ser que no seas del mundillo o que quieras generar respuestas polémicas ya que hace años que Moore no publica absolutamente nada de superheroes a no ser que consideres a Tom Strong y a Prometea como uno de ellos. Que podrían ser asimilables pero básicamente son heroes pulp o ya directamente folletin como es el caso de La Liga de los Hombres Extraordianrios, la cual por cierto y para mi gusto hay que coger con pinzas a partir del segundo volumen. Pero ese ya es otro tema.
