domingo, 3 de julio de 2016


Ya se estrenó en Estados Unidos, y los titulares de las críticas parecen descartar un posible desastre, destacando el correcto tono PULP.

Aquí nos toca esperar hasta el 22 de Julio.

Para aliviar la espera os ofrecemos estas declaraciones de su director y protagonistas, procedentes de CBR:

David Yates: I was reading lots and lots of scripts after “Potter,” and this script called “Tarzan” turned up. I opened it and it blew me away because it was way removed from my expectations. I think what’s amazing about this character is his deep connection to the natural world, which I think is very profound, and actually quite moving.

And as the natural world and what’s happening to it becomes more important to us all, I think there’s something very fresh, there’s something very contemporary about that; and the fact that he connects to our ancestors to where we began I think is very beautiful and very moving.

Actually I think what this script had that all the other blockbusters I was reading didn’t have was, for the use of a better word, a sense of sex about it, in the best possible way. It was sensual and it was kind of sexy and kind of beautiful. It had a big beating heart. And a lot of these big action-driven movies didn’t quite have [that]. They were kinetic and they were explosive, but they didn’t have a big beating heart. And there’s something about this classic story about these two characters in particular, Tarzan and Jane, and how they’re incomplete without each other, that I found really moving.

This movie has all the action, all the epic landscapes. The politics are fascinating, which again, some of these big movies I was reading didn’t have. But it has this wonderfully iconic relationship, which I think is timeless and beautiful.

Alexander Skarsgard: I was actually a big Tarzan fan as a kid – the old Johnny Weissmuller movies, because of my father, who is one of the biggest Tarzan fans out there. He would every Saturday go to the matinee in the small town in Sweden where he grew up and watch the old movies. So he introduced me to Tarzan. That’s how I fell in love with him and the jungle and that whole world. So yeah, I was obviously very excited when I heard about the project.

But again, of course it’s been told – what is it? – 200 times over the past 100 years? You always have to figure, “Why are we doing it again? What’s the motivation? Why are we embarking on this two-year-long adventure?” You just open the script and it’s him drinking tea with the prime minister. I just thought it was so brilliant. The fact that it’s more about returning to your roots than taming the beast, I thought that was so smart.

Margot Robbie: My version of Tarzan was the Disney animated version, which I loved. I love that movie. At no point was I like, “Oh, one day I want to grow up and play Jane,” but that was my exposure to it. When I read the script, it just felt very epic, and fresh, and amazing, and exciting, and all these things.

But it is still a well-known story, and one that involved a lot of elements that in the wrong hands I think could end up kind of cheesy. When I heard David Yates was going to be the one directing it, someone who took the “Potter” movies, again, something that in the wrong hands could have ended up being made cheesy or not really relevant to you or whatever, and kind of gave it this cool, real, like still such a magical feel, but realness in it.

I thought that’s exactly what this script needed, and this is the exact person to kind of create this magical world with like real relationships, real people, real scenarios in it. So I was really confident to sign on.

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