martes, 19 de abril de 2016


A tiempo para su nueva película, una nueva serie explorará la historia del gorila gigante y su mítica Isla y la historia de sus habitantes:

King Kong, world-famous and original gargantuan simian, is the progenitor of an entire genre, spawning sequels, remakes, and countless other interpretations. 

You know Kong. You love Kong! An original prequel story that takes place before the events of King Kong. 

Two fractured and combative civilizations are forced to band together as they venture into Skull Island—their new home.

Por cierto que la noticia incluye una nota que advierte sobre algún problemilla de copyright y propiedad sobre estos conceptos:

King Kong was created by Merian C. Cooper, and Kong of Skull Island is grounded in artist/author Joe DeVito's groundbreaking literary property Skull Island.

BOOM! is partnering with DeVito Artworks LLC to present this story, exclusively authorized and endorsed by the Cooper family as their official King Kong/Skull Island prequel and sequel origin story.

En cualquier caso nos felicitamos de que este rinconcito del mundo tan visitado por Mitólogos Creativos regrese ahora a la atención de nuevos creadores.

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