viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2015


Rosemberg habla de cómo la miniserie final no ha influenciado lo que han hecho para esta:

"Truthfully, no one knows where it was going to end up, and we certainly didn’t putting together 'Jessica Jones'. 

It's funny because it didn't play in at all, except that occasionally us writers in the room would go, 'Gosh, I wonder if the story we just came up for that there’s no room for in our series, maybe The Defenders can use it.'"

"There is a plan for what "Defenders" will be, but she's not a part of it, and though it all connects, each series exists in its own world."

Sobre una posible segunda temporada:

"She ends in a very different place than she started off. She's still going to be Jessica Jones -- that is not going to change. She will continue to drink and make mistakes, and accidentally drop people onto train tracks, but something has changed for her by the end of this season, and I'd just love to explore that in the second season."

PD: ¡#JessicaJones ya es #TrendingTopic en Twitter!!!

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