sábado, 18 de julio de 2015


Risión generalizada sobre el villano, al que se compara con un malo de Power Rangers...

“I grew up reading the comics and I actually collected X Factor when I was younger and that was when Apocalypse first showed up.”

“And I was particularly freaked out with like the second coming and the end of the world, the apocalypse, so when there was a character that embodied that, and even from Sunday school, I remember the four horsemen and all that kind of imagery that’s still to this day some of the scariest imagery I can think of.”

"We had to do some adjustments here and there and be like, alright, maybe this is too alien.”

“He also is someone who people would want to follow and not just be terrified of. So the balance, and then making sure that there’s some great elements from the comic but also making our own thing as well. In the comic, he generally is like 12 feet, 600 pounds.”

“I mean that last battle is going to be pretty insane. I mean, it’s like freaking Apocalypse fighting all of the X-Men. It’s pretty cool.”

Todo el mundo no puede comprender como ese cosplayer lo ha calcado infinitamente más que Fox con todos sus millones de presupuesto...

2 comentarios:


    Diosssss el cosplayer gana por 100 a 0 en calidad, y tienen razón parece un saldo de los power rangers LOL!
    El nuevo apocalipsis aka "la rosa purpura del cairo" proximamente en su TV, yo paso de ir al cine a ver "eso" gracias por el aviso Sr Angosto.

  2. Xmen first class: "pero qué mal ke queda el casco a magneto. Qué birria. Ridiculo"

    Xmen DOFP: "Pero qué birria de Mercurio es ése. Ridiculo. Avengers lo dejará a la altura del betún."

    Xmen Apocalipsis: "..."
