miércoles, 14 de enero de 2015


Preclaro como siempre, Moore señala con certeza que el problema del choque de las religiones lo provoca originariamente su pretensiones de ser la única verdadera, algo a lo que ahora se hace urgente  la renuncia.

Con actos como ese, serían las propias religiones las que disolverían las bases de sus propios extremismos, reconociendo las VERDAD parcial del contrario.

“It is probably time for something to be done with regard to monotheistic religion cleaning up its act. It is not about Islam, Jews or Christians. If you come from the position that there is only one God and He's yours then only one thing can happen when you meet someone who thinks differently. It is not rocket science although as we have seen in Afghanistan, rocket science will probably enter into it."

“I am not saying people should not be free to join whichever religion they choose but should we be forced to live our lives around a belief system that originated somewhere around the fourth or fifth century BC. I cannot see any more reason to base a belief system around Christianity, Judaism or Islam than I can around Lord of the Rings.”

“The majority of followers in Christianity, Judaism and Islam are moderates but it is time for those people to step up. The problems that your radicals are causing are creating quite a mess in your own backyard. It does not reflect well on the Abrahamic religions.

“Couldn't organisations with this much fear and intimidation associated with them be classed as mafiosi and be dismantled by the authorities? If you don't do this yourselves then you will live your lives forever tainted with these terrible crimes against humanity.”

2 comentarios:

  1. estoy de acuerdo con moore, además la religiones funcionan como instituciones, las cuales tienen una organización muy similar al Estado, es decir, va más allá de las creencias, lamentable lo de Francia, ya que a veces todos merecen ser criticados.
    ¿Que acaso Moore no había dado su última entrevista?

    Sebastian O

  2. Ahora lo entiendo todo, Alan Moore es Dios... jeje
    Hablando en serio, esta es la mejor declaracion que he visto al respecto, el Sr. Moore tiene toda la razon.
