miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014


Hay barbaridades del cómic actual que los que lo seguimos día a día no somos capaces de apreciar.

En una interesante entrevista, disgustado por la historia Spider-verse y como trata a "Mayday" Parker, Frenz le da un baño al pope de la Continuidad, Dan Slott, que esta vez no parece andar muy fino:

“The idea that her first appearance since we wrapped the title is Pete and Mary Jane getting wiped out in the first three pages, it feels typical, completely expected because we always assumed that if anyone decided to relaunch Spider-Girl without us, the first thing they would do is kill Pete and/or Mary Jane”

“Our problem with it is, if you take away the family, then you have taken away the core of what Spider-Girl stories are about. The same way Spider-Man stories are about 'With great power, there must also come great responsibility,' Spider-Girl stories are about family and the positive aspects of being a superhero. That it does affect your life in a negative way, that it's hard, but that it's worth doing."

“I didn't really enjoy it. Let's put it this way, Dan Slott is not Roger Stern. Roger Stern, when he's going to use a character, he researches the character inside and out. When Roger Stern used American Dream in 'Captain America Corps,' there was nothing in there that didn't match the character. He always does a fantastic job, any character he uses he gets the voice right, he gets the character's motivations right, he gets it all right.”

“Spider-Girl's been in a very rarefied place, being in a little corner all her own, where Tom DeFalco has always done the lion's share of the handling. What character can claim that, in 16 years they've only been handled, aside from once or twice, by one writer?”

“'My name is May 'Mayday' Parker, I'm the daughter of Spider-Man.' With all the times it's been used, with all the times it's been done right, why wouldn't he put that in there for easy identification to bring people into the character the way DeFalco always brought people into the character?”

“One of the things that is a real continuity issue for me is that Pete apparently has a robot leg. In our stories, in the early days, the Fantastic Five give Pete a robot leg, but it was shattered on a cover by Kaine. It was established several times in Amazing that Pete has a standard plastic prosthetic leg.”

“For me, it's just a sign of how the editors work these days and that that kind of continuity of character doesn't matter anymore. You're responsible for all of your own reference now. Certainly, like at the beginning of New 52, they send character reference sheets if you're doing something all new, but if you're handling a character that hasn't been around for a while, you are responsible for your own reference."

“Several of the reviews I've read have talked about about how the lead-up to Spider-Verse, we aren't even to the main story, and people are sick and tired of the slaughter scenes. They're sick and tired of the little back-ups where you're reintroduced or introduced to an alternate Spider-Man, and he gets slaughtered. We get it, they're eee-vil.

“I was reading up on this Incursion storyline happening in 'Original Sin' and 'Avengers,' and they're doing the same thing. They're showing alternate realities, some of them made up just for the storyline, and then slaughtering them as a lead-up to the Illuminati wanting to blow up a world to save the multiverse. So they are doing two concurrent storylines where the lead-up scenes are gratuitous slaughter of alternate versions of characters. Maybe it all dovetails into the new 'Secret Wars,' but at the moment it' s coming across as very repetitive, and it's certainly making death meaningless in the Marvel universe, if it ever had meaning."

3 comentarios:

  1. Infinitos universos paralelos implican que puedes hacer lo que quieras con el personaje que quieras y luego volver a utilizarlo tranquilamente porque "ese era de otro universo muy parecido".

  2. Pues yo concuerdo con Ron Frenz,su trabajo con Tom Defalco es de admirarse,Spider-Girl me parece que debió de ser el desarrollo orgánico de la serie de Spider-Man. Slott ha arruinado ese maravilloso trabajo de tantos años.

  3. Tiene tanta razón y tiene tanto sentida lo que dice que resulta hasta extraño que en los tiempos que corren alguien tenga tanta lucidez. Marvel now es un fracaso absoluto en cuanto a standard del universo marvel. Si querían destrozarlo podían haberle dado una muerte digna.
