miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014


En la entrevista de despedida no aprovecha para entonar el "mea culpa", por que al fin y al cabo el ha hecho lo que le han contratado para hacer, aunque haya terminado de hundir la más legendaria franquicia de la editorial:

I know it was a bit of heavy lifting for some of the longtime fans of the core characters on the book — and Newsarama fans haven't been shy about voicing their complaints — but I can't find it in my heart to apologize.

I was hired to write a series that started the team "on page one"... no history, no preexisting relationships, for readers that were not familiar with the concept of Teen Titans. The new continuity being what it was, Bart could not have been Bart Allen from the future, Superboy could not have been a clone who spent the last few months living on the Kent Farm as Ma and Pa had died some 10 years ago, and on and on...

... so while I wouldn't expect anyone to agree with every choice I made or was handed, I will say I remain very proud of the book I've worked on for the last 30-odd issues. And I'm very grateful to DC that they entrusted me with a book that is still standing with its head held high as we shuffle off the stage and let someone else take the spotlight! I, for one, can't wait!

2 comentarios:

  1. Bueno, ni los he leido, pero solo son un puñado de malos comics, no creo que Lobdell los haya hundido, estas etapas malas, simplemente se olvidan y con el tiempo es como si no hubieran existido... los problemas gordos estan mas en los planteamientos editoriales, que hacen muy dificil que alguien con talento retome los personajes y haga una etapa, esa si, para recordar, ya que los titanes tal y como los conociamos, no existen mas, y que los buenos autores, son repelidos por la actual marcha de la editorial. Aun asi, con el tiempo, pasara, como ha pasado con Spiderman tras el mefistazo. Aqui las cosas estan mas dificiles, vale, lo se, pero no hay editor que mil años dure, ni politica editorial eterna. Espero...

  2. Alpha Fan:

    Lobdell no tiene perdon de Dios por lo que ha hecho con los Titanes
