martes, 22 de octubre de 2013


Habiendo escrito varias películas, yo diría que aprovecha para postularse como guionista de alguna de las siguientes...

"I’ve talked to the people at Warner Brothers and said “What is wrong with you people?” They think that they have a very narrow bench – Superman, Batman and then nobody else. We’re trying to get them to understand that we have a really good bench of characters if you treat them properly."

"I would love to see the Flash. Ever see The Man With The X-Ray Eyes? There’s a scientist in pursuit of knowledge and information and receives this power and uses it to try and see deeper and deeper what’s going on on the physical scale and the metaphysical scale, trying to burrow through to the core of the universe to understand things better. Make it obsessive like that I think you could make a really good film about the Flash."

"There’s a fan made trailer for Wonder Woman online. Have you all seen that? Is that not well done? And that’s what the Wonder Woman film should be. If you treated the Wonder Woman film the way we treated the Thor movie with some seriousness and also focus on her family you’d get a really good film out of that."

"Oddly enough, the Haunted Tank could be a really good movie. Set it in Iraq or somewhere the Middle East, update it and it writes itself.

"I thought that it had one fight more than it should have had. And it was a good movie that could have been a great movie had they put more time in on the characters. In the end, I don’t care how good your effects are or the battles or the CGI, if we don’t care about the characters you got nothing and nowhere to go."

Es altamente irónico que el guionista que "perpetró" Superman Earth One vaya a ponerle pegas a Man Of Steel, y ofrece una perfecta descripción de cómo de errada está la dirección creativa de Superman actualmente.

¡Oh, y espero que Flash no se parezca a "El Hombre con Rayos-X en los ojos"...¡Al final se saca el mismo los ojos!

1 comentario:

  1. Flash se cortaría la pierna, más o menos como la idea de Peter Milligan XDD
