domingo, 28 de julio de 2013


"The thing I think makes his origin so enduring, is that there’s a primal terror with losing your parents. You never don’t feel that, as a child. Even as an adult, you still feel that, or losing the ones close to you, your support system and your family, you can’t think of anything worse."

"So it’s so enduring, because he overcomes that and becomes this pinnacle of human achievement. He’s the best detective, he’s the best chemist, he’s the best inventor, he’s the best fighter.

To see someone overcome that tragedy, to turn that tragedy into triumph – no matter how pathological and weird that triumph is – it’s a story that we’re all inspired by."

"And that’s what we’re trying to do in Zero Year, honestly, is to move away from this idea of him being the ‘dark demon,’ and the Miller interpretation and stuff, which I adore. But, to have him still be dark and terrifying, but also recognize that he’s a symbol of inspiration in Gotham City, and hope. It’s a city constantly bludgeoned by crime and corruption and fear of terrorism – all the things you see today, we wanted to put in this city."

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