domingo, 2 de junio de 2013


Nos quedamos de momento con la idea de que la Legión sobrevive a todos los fracasos editoriales que ha sufrido.

Aunque este lo haya ganado a pulso...

The Legion's ended before and come back a number of times in its history. I'm old enough that I was a reader when the original series of their adventures ended, and guys like Harry Broertjes and Mike Flynn wrote in letters to the editor, and Murray Boltinoff ended up bringing it back about a year or year-and-a-half later as a back-up series in Superboy. And slowly but surely it conquered the book.

I mean, I'm obviously disappointed we didn't have a success with this run of Legion that we had with the run I did in the 1980's. It's always more fun when you're at the top of the charts than when you're not. But they're great characters, and I'm sure they will remain part of the DC Universe in one incarnation or another forever.

I'm happy to have had all these shots to write all these characters that I loved growing up and to add to their mythology. I think three times is probably enough. So I think if they show back up at some point, it's likely to be in somebody else's hands rather than mine. But that's OK, because I'll get to read it.

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