miércoles, 19 de junio de 2013


Mientras que algunos hacen cábalas intentando adivinar que Legionario o personaje relacionado se oculta bajo los trajes de la Justice League del futuro, Keith Giffen desmiente no solo eso, sino que la serie tenga relación alguna con la franquicia o que ni siquiera vayan a utilizar los mundos de los Planetas Unidos o a los villanos del grupo.

It's the future. It's the 31st Century. The book is its own entity, and it's really not tied into much of anything at all. I mean, everyone knows who the Justice League is, so it's tied into the DCU that way. But it would be unfair to put out a book that insists you're familiar with another book.

So to answer your question, no. This is its own entity.

You know what? I'll just say that this is the Justice League. But there's no time travel involved. So everyone who thinks it's time travel, that's not involved.

It's the Justice League in the 31st Century, and the rest is new. The rest is going to be new.

Yes, it's the Justice League. I realize that's a concept we know. But it's not a comic about five people. There are a whole bunch of characters around the Justice League. There are some characters that you're going to look at and say, "Oh my God! I can't believe they did that!

The other characters you meet in the comic are going to be new. If I need a guy who can throw fireballs around, you can guarantee it's not going to be Sun Boy. Let's think of somebody new.

I'm tired of treading old ground. I have as much affection for the Legion of Super-Heroes as anybody -- maybe more than most, since I kept returning to the book like a mental patient. But this isn't the Legion. And it shouldn't be judged on Legion of Super-Heroes terms.

Sorry Legion fans, but you're going to have to wait until somebody comes up with a take on the Legion. This is not a Legion of Super-Heroes book. They're not going to be going to Braal. Trust me.

...Bien. En cualquier caso, es un poquito raro que si no piensan usar la Legión y su mundo, vayan a situar precisamente en el año 3000 una versión de futurista de la Justice League, como si no hubiese más posibilidades.

Irónico a más no poder: Los autores de Legión sustituyen a la serie por otra QUE NO TIENE NADA QUE VER CON ELLA.

O se están quedando con nosotros o se trata de una mofa más de DC a los fans.

PS: Prueba del vacío creativo de DC es que este, uno de los últimos números de Legion, esté dibujado por un más que desaparecido Jeff Johnson. Y encima, va y hace mejor trabajo de la media de los que curran allí.

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