martes, 4 de junio de 2013


Magnífica entrevista a ALAN MOORE, donde habla de su novela Jerusalem, la relación entre Arte y Magia, su visión de en que consiste la REALIDAD, de Promethea, de Swamp Thing, y como postre de su famosísimo encuentro con un DEMONIO.

No tiene desperdicio.

Yo me quedo con sus palabras sobre el renovado interés de Artistas y Escritores en el Pensamiento Hermético:

"I think that the current interest in occult and magical activities among musicians and artists is kind of to be welcomed, and in some ways perhaps predictable and inevitable. I think that our culture has gone about as far as it can in having no content or meaning to its art, and I think that an attempt to invest meaning in our culture and in our art by imbuing it with a sensibility of magic is probably necessary, and, like I said, probably inevitable, and certainly long overdue. I salute it considerably."

Leedla y aquí la discutimos, si queréis.

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