martes, 28 de mayo de 2013


La nueva trama de reintroducción de los New Gods en cómics DC está siendo sosa y a trompicones, como todo en la editorial.

Pero Levitz, que va a ser mejor historiador que guionista, ha rememorado los tiempos en que la serie de Kirby estaba apareciendo originalmente:

"Part of it, in terms of my interest, goes back to having been in love with Jack's New Gods material when it first came out. That was the most exciting thing happening at the moment when I was in the fanzine racquet. I vividly remember standing by Carol Fein's desk — Carol was sort of DC's equivalent to Flo Steinberg over the years, in terms of energy and personality — in 1970, or maybe '71 or '72, and she was the one who would receive the packages from Jack on the West Coast for Carmine [Infantino, DC's publisher at the time]. And I wanted to read the issues to write them up for my fanzine, and just sort of stood looking over her shoulder, seeing all the cool stuff as it was coming in.

I thought, then and now, that the work Jack was doing in that period was precedent shattering. So I've always been happy to go play with his toys."

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