viernes, 1 de febrero de 2013


It's easy to pick up on the clues when we are in on the secret. We wonder why the characters don't see it. But it's going to take them a while to go to this crazy place. Because every day they're seeing someone who looks and sounds like Peter. All of the stuff they're used to is still there. So it's kind of a strange leap to go, "He's been mind swapped!" That's not the first place you go to. It might be easier to go -- "He's still rattled by Silver Sable's death." Or "That time he crossed a line and tried to kill the Lizard." Or "When his Aunt almost died in that plane crash." Or "When he was kidnapped and tied up by the Kingpin."

On the flipside, there's 50 years of Spider-Man stories. I can point you to specific moments where characters have shown tremendous insight into whether an impostor has taken someone's place. And I can also point to when Aunt May slept with Skrull-Jarvis. Or when no one in the Daily Bugle realized a creepy, lecherous, grape-eating J. Jonah Jameson with the world's largest and weirdest belt-buckle was actually the Chameleon. Or, despite his Spider-Sense, Peter Parker never realizing that his recently returned parents were killer-robots -- or that his beloved Aunt May was replaced with an actress. With 50 years of stories, anyone can point to outliers.

3 comentarios:

  1. Pos na, suspensión of believing, ya de paso que nos diga en que cantidad, para poder criticar algo o no...

  2. Es que las explicaciones sobran. Slott está demasiado a la defensiva.

    Vamos, que de un "estás muy raro, Peter", que se lo están diciendo desde el primer número, a pensar "la mente de Octopus está en el cuerpo de Peter" hay un abismo infinito.

    Son los lectores listillos que siempre están buscando fallos donde no las hay los que dicen "¿pero cómo es posible que los demás personajes no se den cuenta?".

    PUes eso, listillos.

  3. He incluído el texto por dos razones:

    1. Por que demuestra hasta que niveles Slott se sabe la historia completa de Spidey de carrerilla.

    2. Todo lo que hace ESTÁ BASADO/JUSTIFICADO por ella.
