martes, 15 de enero de 2013


“What makes [Superman] interesting other than that he’s really, really strong? That question led me to want to redefine Clark in ways that made him more interesting and more flawed as a person. Not in a dark, mean, cynical way, because that’s way too easy. But as a true outsider whose heart is vulnerable. I wanted to emphasize the loneliness of a kid growing up knowing just how different he was from everyone else, who had to keep his distance for their protection and his own.”

– J. Michael Straczynski

Tras leer estas declaraciones, Roberson ha estallado en Twitter:

That this nimrod is still writing Superman and @MarkWaid isn't is all that need be said about what's wrong with DC.

In this guy's head, Superman crying over a dead kitten shows his love of life, but passing out guns is a learning experience for volume 3.

Some day I'll be drunk enough to post the one page of sloppy "outline" that was handed to me for Grounded (and which I ignored completely).

But he still gets half my royalty check for every sale, even though he had nothing to do with it. Maybe that's what he means by "morality"?

Así, la actual marcha de DC no solo nos obsequia con cómics ilegibles, no. Lo que es mucho peor, impide que inmensos cómics lleguen a existir.

Al menos, Roberson está haciendo los suyos realidad a través de Monkeybrain Comics.

Ni que decir tiene que me muero de ganas por que Roberson haga público el outline de JMS que luego él ignoró.

¡Seguidme en Twitter (@PEDROANGOSTO1), chicos, que allí comparto cosas tan jugositas como esta, y en primicia!

2 comentarios:

  1. Mark Waid expresó mucho mejor lo que muchos opinamos de JMS cuando escribió acerca de Grounded en su cuenta de Twitter: "Creo que Straczynski debería relajarse y salir a dar un paseo. Un largo paseo. Por América."


    Que el Superman emo de Extra-de-whisky sea un éxito de ventas mientras gente como Kurt Busiek o Chris Roberson están en la lista negra de DC clama al cielo...

  2. Que el Straczynski hable de transmitir sensaciones y sentimientos es como que un calamar intente bailar la lambada, este tio es incapaz de transmitir nada.
