jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2012


Como se aprecia por su trabajo, Dan Slott es una persona extremadamente inteligente. Y como tal, con un increíble sentido del humor.

No solo en sus cómics, fuera también.

Con su última entrevista sobre los eventos en Spider-Man, Slott se confirma como un de los pocos guionistas que se emocionan hablando de lo que están haciendo, y resultando tan interesante y divertido leer sus declaraciones como los cómics en sí.

"We have been playing the long game. Amazing Spider-Man #698 is the magic trick. #699 is when we flip over all the cards. What you are going to see is, boy have we played a very long game. It's not a stunt. It's not a gimmick. It's not something we threw together slapdash at the last minute for Marvel NOW!. This has been something long in the making.

You will see that all of the puzzle pieces leading up to this story have started back as far as Amazing Spider-Man #600, and every time we've seen Doc Ock, we've gotten a little closer."

"I have said over and over again that after #700 comes out, I'm going into the bunker. I'm doing a signing for Midtown Comics for #700, but they have promised me bodyguards and a Popemobile."

"I've taken perverse pleasure in retweeting some of the more insane stuff, but to be honest, most of the stuff that's been coming in on my Twitter has been really positive. But it's kind of fun to take the most crazy-town-banana-pants stuff and put it up there."

"#698 is the end of the prelude, and the hero's been left in a very terrible predicament, with insurmountable odds. You know, I've never seen that happened in a cliffhanger before! I like all these people going, "Brain swap? Boo!" And you're like, "OK. The next time I see a bank heist in a comic, I'll be sure you attack that with equal vigor." Never seen that before. You can imagine after The Prince and the Pauper came out, someone in ye olden times was all, "Oh no! Mistaken identity? Switch? It's the worst thing ever! Didn't you know? Alexandre Dumas did this in Man in the Iron Mask?! That Mark Twain is a hack, I tells ya!"

"It's going to be even better when Amazing Spider-Man #700 comes out the day after Christmas! That's going to be great. "Here I was, celebrating the birth of Christ, opening up my new Xbox — we were wassailing, we were caroling, we were all so happy — and then you did this!" [Laughs.] It's going to be like that scene in Gremlins where Phoebe Cates gives the story about her dead father in the Santa Claus suit."

"Some time ago, I had a talk with one of Marvel's biggest writers. And we were talking about the age of the big reveal, or the big twist, and this writer was of the opinion that you can't do it anymore. You just can't, because with solicits going up three months ahead, and covers going out three months ahead, and so many other people who know the idea, and loose lips, it'll get out. It'll get out well before. So you're better off having surprises, but not twists. There's a difference. I can see their point, but it's something we were building to for some time, and I just wanted to go for it."

"It's tough. We haven't really told people what Superior Spider-Man's about. At one convention, [Marvel senior editor Steve Wacker] congratulated me, saying, "I want to thank Slott for doing the most unmarketable launch for Marvel NOW!."

3 comentarios:

  1. Esta tarde mesa redonda en la fnac, Pedro. Te veré ¿no? :)

  2. Yo iré desde la oficina. Con mi inconfundible sombrero de Indiana Jones.
