martes, 4 de agosto de 2015


A punto de estrenarse en USA, la compañía no ceja en querer hacer atractivo el film, para todo su potencial público (menos los fans de los cómics...):

"I have a lot of ideas of where I think it should go beyond this film.

We've been so focused on getting this one right -- ultimately, that's the most important thing. This film is the origin and very beginning of the Fantastic Four.

For me, in future films, we'd want to really see what it's like to become a public celebrity superhero group, which is what the Fantastic Four were, essentially.

They were known within the world and dealing with that in today's society would be interesting. It's something not a lot of movies have done in grounded ways."

"Then there are specific things from the books, whether it is vehicles or specific powers, that I'd love to see.

"It always comes back to the characters. That's why we fall in love with those books in the first place.

There are a lot of places to go with these characters, because they are young and are just starting to embrace who they are.

There's a lot of room for them to grow, emotionally. That's really what excites me about the potential of future movies, to explore stories and love and deeper conflicts and to just keep going deeper into their inner personal relationships."

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Pues los que ya la han visto le están dando unos palos de padre y señor mío. Y no me refiero únicamente a los fans!!

Vaya huevos los de la Fox anunciando secuelas antes de ver si la peli funciona. Ojalá les estalle en la cara como a los de Sony con el desastre de ASM.


Alonso Rafael Lizaraz Sánchez dijo...

Debo reconocer que aun con las previas malas críticas a esta versión, aun me intriga, iré a ver la peli de todos modos, solo para cerciorarme de que ya es hora de que la primera familia de Marvel regrese a casa, no puedo imaginarme las cosas magníficas que haría Marvel Studios con ellos!

herb_b dijo...

Los que la han visto dicen que practicamente es como un capitulo piloto demasiado largo, asi que esta claro que esta pensada por y para las secuelas... pero quizas han pecado de optimistas, por que muy facilmente puede ser que se ostien. Las ansias de montar un universo a lo Marvel les pierden, como a Warner.