miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2014


Hablando sobre los sucesos sugeridos por Futures End, indica que forman parte de algo más grande que pronto vamos a ver:

DiDio: Well, you get a chance to see the final battle between Earth 2 and Apokolips. The events of that appear to be the ones determining the future for Futures End. So there's a lot of story to be played out in the next few months. But that's something I don't want to give away just yet. Think epic trilogy

Lee: I think if you love cosmic, epic storylines with some interesting time travel twists and turns, this is the story, and it really sets the stage for an epic storyline that runs through a trilogy of stories that culminate in 2015.

DiDio: What I'll also say is that what's great about Worlds End and Futures End is that it brings out the true soul of the DC Universe and the Multiverse and the different interpretations of the characters and all the different worlds out there that we see in diversity. It's all one great history and one great continuity that could ultimately lead to one great story.

The goal is that -- we actually think about DC having a long rich history with a long rich fanbase with so many different generations of fans, each with legendary interpretations of heroes over the years. Our goal is to make sure that they all feel satisfied and enjoy what we put out in DC Comics.

Lee: Every fan will have cause to rejoice and celebrate next year.

...Me quedo con la declaración de Lee, que indudablemente solo puede implicar LA DIMISIÓN EN BLOQUE DE TODOS, de la Presidenta para abajo.

1 comentario:

Ulex dijo...

No fastidies! Capullo, Reis y Manapul, además de algún colorista, se pueden quedar.

Te diría que la de la limpieza también, pero seguro que es subcontratada